{2012 in Review}

Now that my 2012 race season is in the books, and I have nothing until January, I thought it may be fun to do a quick rehashing of my first year in racing!

In 2012 I ran a total of 18 races, equaling 96.8 miles of racing fun! This was also my very FIRST full year of racing, so I feel it’s one that will always be special to me.

Here’s how these races break down:

4 5Ks
2 10Ks
1 10 mile trail run
1 half marathon
9 obstacle races/mud runs
And 1 4K that involved drinking & dressing up crazy while also running (hard to classify that one with anything else!)

Altogether, these 18 races made for a great year of great memories! I made many new friends, created Muddy Mommy and have been thrilled to watch it steadily grow, got faster and stronger, and I’m so incredibly excited for what 2013 has to offer!

I hope you are all enjoying this holiday season! Don’t forget to keep with your training, stay active, indulge a bit (but not too much!), and make some great memories as well!

Much love to you all!



6 thoughts on “{2012 in Review}

  1. Awesome stuff, I’m sure you’ll go even further in 2013. I ran a few 10k races this year and in training for an Adidas event called the thunder run which is a 24 hour team event, pretty intense, you should check it out


  2. Pingback: {2014 Year Review & A Look Ahead} | Muddy Mommy

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